Saturday 3 December 2011

Modelling - building - Hallway - beams

Copy beam - reshape - create doorway beams

Create line - draw support beam profile - convert to editable poly


Remove new geometry in centre - begin adjusting

Selet beam geometry edges - connect - add segmnets

Begin shaping curve in beam

Follow profile of beam

Decided to target weld outer curve geometry

Apply shell modifier - place in position - add behind beam
Will adjust to photographic reference later if availible

Symmetry modifier for opposing support

Create box (long - narrow)

Rotate to sufficient angle

Copy and place vertically above to overlap

Select large copy number

Remove add - adjust size and distance as required to fit purpose of slats

Build continues after hallway limits are derived from walls

Use copies of side beam supports to create hallway supports
Copy one - place in position - symmetry modifier - position second by adapting - mirror position

Copy horizontal cross beam - rotate 90' - position - copy beam to create extra 4 beams so 5 beams follow direction of hallway roof

Copy previously made geometry to position as shown - replicate horizontal beam and place above original
Copy 5 roof beams and position as shown

Secondary picture showing how roof connects through entire hallway

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