Sunday 23 October 2011

Modeling - preparation

Re-prep to customize file to fit personal preferences

Open group file

Unhide + unfreeze all
Make all reference planes single segmented

Remove self colour from reference planes via material options

Manage all files into layers to allow for quick selection (quick hide + freeze options)

Hide all but reference pictures
Add reference pictures so all sides of building are covered
Too keep scale reference planes are copied and rotated into posiotion
since planes are set to single sided become invisible when viewed from incorrect direction resulting in no obstruction of opposing pictures

South side view required adjusting and shall be used as secondary reference
North side will be used as primary due to group working to same scale

Rotated all components in file to align with views

reference planes show information for both floors
Stacked second floor with first so well both be aligned (individually aligned)

Use layer to view individually

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